Sunday, June 26

Weekend wrap-up

Friends, another week has come and gone, and now it's time to carry on

We mourned our brothers and our friends
Whose service with us has reached its end

Thankful for the men they were and promising to make them proud
We move back into the hostile crowd

We've turned a corner in our battle for the hearts and minds
And we've turned a corner as we count down our remaining time

With less than one hundred days before we leave to go home again
We must not lose focus on the battle we are here to win

Will there be casualties from this point on? It would be foolish to say for sure
All we can do is "soldier on" and keep our honor clean and pure

For we are Marines and this is what we do
Do not feel sorry for us
Do not anger us
Do not tell us we should know better

There are those to whom we answer that make those decisions
And we go
Into harm's way
Day after day after day

If we didn't want to be here we would never raise our hand
Or sign the dotted line
But we did
Many of us more than once

We leave behind families who support us and defend us from the press
If you ask me we should pin medals on their chests
Our loved ones must carry on with every facet of life
Kids, bills, cars that don't work
All very normal strife

But they do that every day
Not knowing from one week to the other
What's happened to their warrior
Father, son, husband, or brother

This ode is dedicated to all of you who stand with us to say
Speak your peace
You have that right
This is the USA

Just remember as you spit your hatred for our warring ways
If it wasn't for someone willing to fight
And die if that's what is required
Then all of your anger, meanness, spite
Would surely get you fired... Or arrested

We have fought in every clime and place where we could take a gun
From the winter spent at Valley Forge
To the hot Iraqi sun
And every place in between and some that time does not recall
In every conflict there's a price where too many heroes fall

Watch over us, dear Lord, we pray and see us through this night
That we may face You some day and know that we've done right

Help us to maintain our honor and integrity
As we do the tasks we've been trained for in the USMC

Watch over our families and keep them safe
Nestled in Your hand
Someday soon we'll be home back in our favorite land

With less than one hundred days left our time is drawing near
Thank You for our blessings and those we hold so dear



Queen on the run said...

THAT was awesome, such fierce feeling and pride. What you are doing now is amazing to and their are those of us over here who think of all of you every single day. Thankyou.

steve said...

Again and again Thank you. Please just tell others "Thank you" For me and God Bless.

God is Huge

DBFrank said...

Bill, may God bless all of our fighting men over there. You are in our thoughts and prayers! Thank you for what you and your brothers are doing.

Libby said...

This is beautiful!!! A HUGE THANK YOU to you & all that are there! We do appreciate it!

Colleen said...

God bless you and all the other military personel over there. I have stopped by your blog often but never seemed to have the right words to say. I watch the shows on tv that tell the soldiers story of their homecomming and those stories bring tears to my eyes. I for one appreciate all that you and your fellow commrads are doing in the name of freedom and pray for your families every night. God Bless and stay safe so you may return to your families on American soil.

naughtygirl said...

that was wonderful. i love to read the blogs like this. my boyfriend is on his way over to iraq right now and it just makes it alot easier to read sites like this. puts my mind at ease. thank you

Cylithria Dubois said...


Nankin said...

There is little I can say that the others haven't already said. Never the less, I add my blessings and prayers to those who have gone before me. Stay safe and know there are many who DO support you.

I have added a link to my blog in hopes that people will see and read about those who protect our rights.

Lia said...


Beautifully said.