Thursday, June 2

I knew it

Let me ask a question. If the good people of the former regime out here really have nothing to hide, then why is the UN all in a tizzy about some missing chemical weapons equipment? I'm not one to say "I told you so," but come on. Okay, okay... I'm totally one to say "I told you so," but that's not the real point here. Maybe this goes along with all those long range, French-made, missles I saw when I was here two years ago. It's almost as if the more things change, the more they stay the same.

To that end, while the UN gets their britches in a bunch about stuff that America's been saying along, I'm heading out into the city over the next few days to see if we can get some of these citizens registered to vote. In case you forgot, or never heard, there was an election in January to select a representative government. That governments main purpose was to draft a new constitution for the country of Iraq, which is to be voted on by the people. Kinda sounds like "Government of the people, by the people, and for the people" but what do I know? Anyway, that election is coming up and we are trying to instill a sense of ownership in the people of Ramadi. If they want changes in the way the government is (or isn't) involved in their lives, they need to register and vote. This town has about 300,000 citizens of voting age but only about 10% are even registered. We're hoping to up that to about 25% by this election.

Hope your June is off to a good start. Check my wife's blog for some great news about what June means to us as family. It should be fairly obvious at the top of the page.


DBFrank said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog Bill.
It may be a tad belated, but I want to offer you and all of your comrades a "Thank You" also. God bless you all.

Robin said...

Wow, only 10% huh? Hard to even conceive of the mindset there vs. here.