Friday, January 13

TGIF... the 13?!

Just cruising through my news headlines and saw a few stories that made me say, "Aha! Told you!"

Let's start with this story about an allegedly innocent man being murdered by the state of Virginia. Excuse me, the Commonwealth of Virginia. Actually, I'll just copy a quote from the story. They said it better than I ever could...
"We who seek the truth must live or die by the sword of DNA," McCloskey said. "This particular truth feels like a kick in the stomach."

Next, we have a sad story as yet more proof (like we needed any) that God is not welcome in the so-called institutions of higher learning, at least not in California. Give me a break. I thought colleges and universities were supposed to be about broadening our horizons and teaching us to think about other points of view, especially if they happen to differ from our own. Shows you what I know. A quote from this story just goes to show you how far some are willing to go to get God out of their way...
And this week, a group of parents in Lebec, Calif., sued to stop the high school from teaching intelligent design as a philosophy course.

Let's see... here's one. After the Democrats joyfully announced that they were the ones who have ended President Bush's reign of terror (or whatever they're calling his administration this week) we get this story from Disney News (aka ABC News) The story mentions how phones like these were used in Madrid a while ago to blow up the trains. NEWS FLASH: That's how they've been detonating IED's in Iraq for the last three years! Of course, without roving wire taps, we can't keep track of the people who pay cash for 150 phones at once. I'm done.

On to the Supreme Court. Here we have a prime example of what's wrong with Liberals. They made Judge Alito's wife cry during his confirmation hearings and received unsolicited word from his current colleagues at the Court of Appeals that he's a good candidate for this job.
For their parts, the seven judges — several of whom are Democrats — told senators that Alito would make an independent and ethical Supreme Court justice.

Yet, they still think they have the moral high ground concerning his nomination.
After four days of hearings, there are "even more questions about Judge Alito's commitment to the fairness and equality for all," Kennedy said.
This from a man who got drunk at a party while a woman drowned in his car! Give me a break.

Okay, having said all of that, I hope you have a great weekend and beware of mishief tonight. After all, it's FRIDAY THE THIRTEENTH!


EV said...

Amen, brother. Did you hear that Sam Alito spoke with the Hamburgler at McDonalds when he was 8 y/o? THAT gives me grave concern - grave concern, Sir! This is NOT USSC material.

Network News is feed for the sheeple. ;)

Duke_of_Earle said...

Well put. Especially the comment about the distinguished senior senator from somewhere near Chappaquiddick,Mass.


Seeker said...

Or was that the 'extinguished' senator from Massachusetts....?

DBFrank said...


Bill said...

I don't know that TK will ever be extinguished, Seeker. He's probably marinated pretty thouroughly by now. :) Thanks for the comments, guys.

Fred said...

Kennedy makes my blood boil. The guy has no right to judge anyone's moral haracter.

Why doesn't a news reporter point this out right to his face? I'd like to see his reaction.