Tuesday, August 1

New month!

In the spirit of a game my wife taught me several moons ago...


As near as I can figure, the idea is to be the first one to say "rabbit" three times on the first day of a new month. Since I'm way the heck over here I guess I win. I'll suspend playing until I'm back to at least the same continent, if not the same time zone as the rest of my family. Plus, I've learned that my daughter's new past time involves chasing bunnies around the yard in the evening, so I thought she might enjoy the picture, assuming it posts properly of course.

1 comment:

Raggedy said...

Welcome back!
Your blog has been gone!
I check on you and Jen everyday and your page was empty...
Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit...
Hoss does that too!
I hope all is well..
Take care!
Have a wonderful day!
(=':'=) hugs
(")_ (")Š from da Raggedy one