Friday, August 4


As Charlie Brown likes to say, "AAAAAARRRGGGHHH!"

I posted my last entry (about the rabbits) and then I tried to post something else and my blog disappeared. Very Bermuda Triangle like. So now I have to reconstruct all of the personalizations I had. I wonder if that means I need to re-apply for membership in the ring, or how does that work? On the other hand, I was planning to clean up some of my side bar stuff, so now I just won't put it back in.

Still, this is a pain in the posterior. Maybe I should just start my own web page. Except I don't know anything about how to do that.

I guess I'll go ahead and make this an open blogroll invitation. If you'd like to be included on the new and improved Bill's Blog, drop me an email or post a comment and I'll git-r-dun! (maybe)


Jen said...

Oooh oooh (hand waving) pick me, pick meeeee!!! Glad to see that your blog is back up.

Raggedy said...

lol at Jen..hahahaha
Have a great day!