Wednesday, October 12

Well, that was fun

We had a big "shin-dig" for the battalion as an official welcome-home battalion family day at the State Beach in San Onofre (just south of San Clemente) yesterday.

It could've gone better.

We were late getting there, which wasn't too big a deal since there were about 1200 people hanging out, but the kicker was that it wasn't on the beach... not even close. The party was in a park area up behind the RV parking so my son couldn't play in the sand like his mommy and daddy had said he could.

Strike one.

The caterer for the event was a barbeque place (I so wish I could remember their name so I could link it here) that had a sweet tasting sauce to add to their shredded beef for BBQ sandwiches. If you didn't like that, there was also lunch meat available. Of course, the boy doesn't eat anything like that even though the cole slaw was good and they even had cookies.

Strike two.

They did have a bounce house for the younger kids, so that was a plus... until Lil' Bill got in for the last time and was DDT'd by some other kid in there. It could've been funny (or at least okay) if the other youngster had not hit the bug's mouth with his head. That split my son's lip and caused some serious concern for mom, who chipped a tooth in her younger days. Of course, the site of his worried mom and the fact that he can taste his own blood coming from his lip didn't help calm him down very much. Even when we went to see the paramedics and he got to sit on the bumper of their big red truck while the nice lady paramedic held an ice compress to his lip didn't help calm him down. The fact that he'd gotten up early and only had a short nap in the car on the way up there probably didn't help either.

Strike three. We're outta there.

The whole adventure lasted maybe two hours and that's if you include the drive up and back. What a day. Just remember, we're making memories that will last a lifetime.


DBFrank said...

Sorry things didn't go better Bill...

Anonymous said...

Bummer - the best layed plans of mice and men ....

Bill said...

It was okay. Until his accident, the boy seemed to adapt to the changing situation pretty well. Guess his pre-school is teaching him those intangibles like, "The world is not centered on you and you don't always get what you want."

Duke_of_Earle said...

Speaking of memories, that story of yours brought back some memories of mine (from long ago) of trips and excursions we took when my two girls were pre-school or elementary age. Yeah, those memories do last a lifetime. And you can look back fondly even on the bad ones, remembering how cute the little ones were, and how they matured and grew up in spite of the traumas.

Sorry about the Eagles. Except for the fact that it was my team (Cowboys) that administered the "whuppin."
