Tuesday, October 18

That's my boy!

Did you ever see those old Tom & Jerry cartoons where Spike (the bulldog) teaches his son how to chase cats and Tom is victimized for the rest of the skit? My point is this: Spike often laughs and says, "Ah-ha-ha... that's my boy!" That's the way I felt yesterday. My son turned 4 and I couldn't be more proud. I'd post pictures, but my wife already did, so I'd invite you to go there to see him. It's amazing how much he's grown in the last year. His diction is much better now and he can make himself understood easier, which is a relief to all of us. It was pretty funny though on Sunday, as we talked about his birthday being the next day, he said, "I don't want it to be my birthday." We asked him why not and he said he wanted to be three forever. Oh, please no! Fortunately, time marched on and when he woke up from his nap yesterday afternoon and saw that we had decorated (blown up some balloons and rearranged the furniture) he got all excited that his best friend and her family were coming over, not to mention Grandma and Grandpa. He also got a present from my folks way out in Ohio and just had a blast all around. After we got the kids hyped up on sugar with a birthday "cake" made of ice cream, we took 'em bowling. Fun, fun, fun let me tell you. The only thing that would've been better would have been had it not been one of the 12 days of the year that it rains here in SoCal. Oh well, can't have everything, right?

To make it even better, yesterday was the first weekday in over seven months when I didn't have to go to work. I've started three weeks of leave and it couldn't have come at a better time. I'll tell you more later about our memorial last week. Let me just say that it was good for my heart to know that those who fell did not die for nothing. Just read this article from USA Today if you don't agree.

Oh, and by the way at least the Eagles didn't lose yesterday thanks to their bye week... Go Chargers!


DBFrank said...

You know, you COULD be a Detroit Lions fan.. like poor ole me. :(
Great looking boy child my friend. Cherish this time...

EV said...

Happy Birthday to the big guy!! And YOU enjoy the leave, Bill!!

Bill said...

Thanks, guys. I love being his dad (most of the time).

Anonymous said...

First visit - just passing through! Glad you're back THANKS and your four year old is wondrous!!