Friday, August 26


I finally managed to figure out how to get a picture to post in the side bar of this silly blog and now it's official...

I've been web-ring'd! Is that a word? Let's make it one.


web-ring (v): to become a member of a select group of journals which are located in cyberspace, often know as "blogs". Web rings are blogs which have similar subject matters and are usually connected through a banner link somewhere on each page. (past tense: web-ring'd)

Cheesy entry? Yeah, probably, but it's 2 in the morning over here! I'm just waiting for a return phone call from back home about some business we're trying to take care of before we actually get there. Don't these people understand that I don't get a weekend and I need answers?

Anyway, please take a moment to check out the MilBlogs web ring and say "hi" to my new neighbors.


Nic said...

Thank you for all that you do. I don't know what your political affiliation is but there's a big "Support the Troops" rally in Crawford tomorrow that I'm driving a few hours to go to with my mom and my daughter. There's supposed to be over 10,000 people there. We really appreciate our men and women in uniform.

Bill said...

Hey, thanks, Nic. Give them a big "Hell Yeah, Y'all!" for me, would ya?

Greg - Cowboy in the Jungle said...

Technical question about your profession: Why do soldiers bang their ammo clips on their helmets? Is that a hollywood thing or a practical measure?

Bill said...

Good question, Greg. It's a practical measure similar to "packing" your cigarettes. It helps ensure that all the rounds are seated in the magazine correctly so they feed into the weapon without causing a jam. You could do the same thing without a helmet, but that hurts. :-D

DBFrank said...

Me achin' head! ;)

Glad you're doing well my friend. I pray that your trip to the (real) beach back home, with the wife and family comes soon!

Duke_of_Earle said...

Now that your tour is about over, it's too late. But if you ever needed somebody to make phone calls for you or locate information for you during stateside "business" hours, I (or any of your "blog buddies") would be happy to try. Allowing us to do nything we can to help would be a privilege! A quick email to one of us, and it's done!


Bill said...

John, I know. It's incredible that even though I've never met any of my regular commentators, I feel like I could count on any of you for any help I truly needed. You guys are the best.