Tuesday, May 31


For all of you who have read my wife's blog, thank you for your support.

If you haven't, here's your chance.

Hope you had a memorable Memorial Day.


Chad said...

I guess it's better late than never . . . Thanks for serving our country. I appreciate your willingness to sacrifice precious time with your wife and children to keep me safe and free.

Michelle said...

I followed Robin's link to you... I wanted to take a moment not only to thank you but to thank your family for their sacrifice as well. We have been in your situation before and know the hardships that deployment and war place on the soldier and his family. Thank you so much for all you do!

Kimberly said...

Robin sent me over as well and I am very glad she did so I could thank you personally for all you do for America and the freedom I hold so dear. Many heart felt thanks.

Karyn Lyndon said...

I can't say it any better than the others have already. I try not to take for granted what we have and the sacrifices Americans like you are making, but I realize I can't even imagine the real cost to you and your family.

Thank you, Bill!

P.S. Robin sent me, too.

Cori said...

Here Via Robin! I hope you get to come home soon! hang in there and thank you for all that you do!

Duke_of_Earle said...

Me too, me too! (Sent by Robin, that is.)
Bill, if you EVER begin to think that the majority of Americans DON'T appreciate what you and your fellow Marines (soldiers, airmen, sailors, etc.) are doing, just browse some of the blogs on most any list you find.
God bless each of you!

Jean-Luc Picard said...

You have a great blog here. You all do a wonderful job in Iraq. Robin sent me over.

DBFrank said...

Robin sent me, also. Thank you Sir, for all you do, and thank your wife and wee ones for their sacrifice.

guppyman said...

I'll jump on the Robin sent me bandwagon....


I don't know how to say it any better than that.

Robin said...

Sure hope you are feeling the love today Bill! My dad was a Marine though he never had to serve in active duty. But I did have 2 uncles in Vietnam and a grandfather in WWII. Your dedication and service are appreciated immensely. Thank you.

Live, Love, Laugh said...

thanks Bill, you will be in my prayers as you serve. We are proud of you and all of our military, we realize you give so much more than we can imagine. God Bless you and your family.

Robin said...

You are very welcome Bill. Tell the guys there are a lot of us here in the general public that are supportive of what they're doing. Tell the media to go pound sand!

Anonymous said...

What an awesome brother I have...