Tuesday, April 26

Weather Bug

Last night I thought we were filming a remake of "The Wizard of Oz". The winds were blowing at about 40 miles an hour and there was lightning everywhere to boot. Then the rain started. Not just a nice light sprinkle like we had a couple days ago. This was rain that made EVERYTHING get wet. Water dripped through the roof in my bunk area, the generator shorted out, and we even had a corporal nearly drown in a large puddle. OK, that last part was a joke, but our electrical tech did get shocked when he tried to get the power back on. Oh well. This morning broke nice and clean and it was almost like the weather never happened, except for the puddles everywhere. You know... I know that I've posted about the rain before, but trust me... I'd rather post about the rain than about the 100+ degree weather I'm bound to be tired of by the time October gets here.

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