Wednesday, April 6

get some!

Got my first taste of no-kidding combat a few days ago. Wasn't as nerve wracking as I thought it would be. Guess all those years of playing video games are finally starting to pay off. Of course, IED's are a lot scarier when you're close to them and not in a vehicle. Still, everything came out okay and I can now say that I've been out there and I understand what these guys go through every day. I think I'm going out again in a couple of days to help with some road repairs. Go figure. Not only do we have to show these people that they're allowed to make their own decisions without fear of recrimination, now we have to fix their roads too. Oh well, it'll make a definite impact on this neighborhood for the positive, that's for sure.
On a sour note, we have our first memorial service scheduled for tomorrow. While I don't think it's realistic to hope it's our only one, it would be nice if it were one of a very few while we're here. The commandant stopped by today to motivate us while we choke on this fine dust that gets into EVERYTHING! I guess it went okay, he didn't come to my workspace so I never saw him. That's alright. It's more the men standing the actual posts and doing the everyday patrolling that need to see him anyway.
Got a box from my wife yesterday that had my magazine and calendar in it. Now I can count down the days until I get to go back to beautiful, sunny SoCal! I think we're somewhere in the 175 day range. SHEESH!

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