Tuesday, April 15


It should be "This Week in Baseball" but we play softball out here. I know! I'm in a combat zone and I'm writing home to my wife to send me my softball gear. What's that all about? Anyway, we had three games over the weekend and we went 1-1-1. Huh? A tie in softball? Yes. The league organizers declared a time limit for each game, which is fine, but they called the game for time right in the middle of our comeback. Seriously. We had just tied the game. I was on third base as the go-ahead run and the whistle sounded. Just like that. How dumb is that? Anyway, that's how we got a tie over the weekend. I may try to post a picture but based on how long it took me to post the other one about the Easter decorations, I probably won't worry too much about it.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Awww man! That's crap. Still sounds like fun though. Isabella had her first softball game on Saturday then we did some fishing off the pier at the Coast Guard training center. Didn't catch anything but it was fun. Novella learned how to cast and loved it. Hope you're doing well and the weather's holding up for you. Love ya!