This one shows the back of the "ship" and even has a little LCAC (hovercraft) coming out of the back...

Did you notice the biscuit helicopters? The chef that made it was pretty pleased with himself. He should be. It was a good cake. Still, it only seemed to accentuate that I missed the birthday cake I really wanted, which I wrote about in my last post.
The Ohio State Buckeyes are on a collision course, I think. In a few short weeks, they will be playing their annual grudge match against the "Loser-ines" from Michigan. This game is setting up to have serious implications in the hunt for the national title, and not just for OSU. Big Blue has been winning games in a convincing fashion of their own and they've been climbing in the rankings since week 1. I'm sure it doesn't hurt them that the number 2 team keeps losing and dropping down in the polls, and that leaves room for Michigan to advance.
I'm sure there are some of you out there (especially my folks) who are interested in how the North Korean nuclear test is going to affect me personally. In the short term, it doesn't look like it's going to. We're still on our scheduled training exercises and there hasn't been any serious talk of the battalion re-deploying other than going back to SoCal. I can hardly wait for that. My kids have been growing without me, my wife has a new ride, and I just want to wear something other than digital green camouflage for a few days. Even after we complete our tour on this ship, we still won't be home yet. We have to get everything ready for the next battalion to come in and relieve us. I think that's how these six month deployments turn into 7 month deployments. We have to do our thing for six months, but there are two weeks at either end to do a change over with our sister battalions. It's weird, but hey, it's a living, right?
By the way, I'm toying with changing the name of my blog. I haven't made any decisions yet, but I'm thinking about it. I'm not planning to change my address, though, so if you've been kind enough to link here, it should still work. At least, I think that's how it works. To all of you who read even when there's nothing very interesting to tell you, I thank you. Please let me know what you think and have a great weekend.
Those biscuit helicopters crack me up. This better not turn into a "seven month" anything. I don't think I have any more construction paper for links in Trey's room. Oh yeah, and I really don't want to wait another month to see you.
I don't know how I missed this??? Too cool! I hope you're doing well.
Stopped over from ex scientia's blog. Great cake! I admire and thank you for everything!
My buddy Mike sent me over to look at the cake. I'm a Nebraska farmer who wants you to know that we appreciate what you're doing for us. You're the real hero's of America.
It's been awhile since I stopped by, and I'm glad Mike linked me over.
Here in Texas, we're proud and honored to say because of you and the other military, we sleep sound at night. Thank you.
Awesome cake! Safe travels to you. :) Mike sent me too.
Lois Lane
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