Friday, January 1

Yep, New Year... time to try again

It is now the year of our Lord 2016. Wow. Last year was pretty chaotic, but lemme see if I can get caught up in a few paragraphs.

Work: I got a job at the VA in November of 2014. I earned two promotions within my first year and I am now 18 months + into my second career. (Selling copiers had its moments, but not enough to keep me from taking my current job.)

School: Let's come back to this one later.

Family: Looking to celebrate our 20th anniversary this coming summer. The Boy is struggling with an auditory processing issue (and priority setting) but he's working his way through 8th grade. The Ladybug is working through 6th grade and spends 3 or 4 evenings a week at the dance studio. There's a "surprise" coming up for dance this year, but we'll go over that later.

Church: I've been removed from the rotation of bass players at church. I suppose I should be grateful because it frees up my Wednesday evenings (or Saturday afternoons when Wednesday rehearsals get bumped to Saturday just because) and I no longer have to get up early on Sundays, but it was my one outlet as a musician, so I'm still kind of bummed. The "pastor" who fired me hasn't bothered to reach out to me so I can only assume he thinks all is well. Maybe in his book "pastor" means "overlord" and not "shepherd" but that's just an assumption. Jen's still working on the admin staff and I kind of feel bad for the situation she's in.

Home: We bought a new build home in summer of 2014. We lived in an apartment for about 6 months while it was under construction and moved in just before LAST Christmas. We'll probably start painting and making this place our own later this year. Oh, we bought a camper with some of the proceeds from selling our first house. We used it for about three weeks combined time last summer. Probably won't use it quite as much this year, but still looking forward to getting out and away from "normal" a few times over the summer.

Life in general: We seem to be doing pretty well for the most part. Last year was truly a year of change for us and 2016 looks to be just as exciting. Twentieth anniversary... someone's starting high school... someone else may look to get back into school...

Yep, there are many things to be thankful for as we look back on 2015 and many things to look forward to in 2016. Part of that will be seeing if I can uphold the standard new year's resolutions: eat better, exercise more, lose weight, read my Bible, etc...

Happy New Year!