My parents are awesome grandparents. I got home from Iraq in late October and they came out to see "me" on the 1st of November. Actually, I think they came out to see the grandkids, but my homecoming was a good excuse. :-) Like I mentioned in my last entry, I think they ended up spending more time with the little ones than I did, but that's cool. They stayed with them for a couple of days in the middle of the week so we could go to Glen Ivy for an overnight trip. That was very much needed. We spent the day doing a whole lot of nothing. We sat in the hot tub a few times, visited Club Mud, and even tried out the Grotto toward the end of the afternoon.
(coffee break)
That was actually the second day we were gone. We got a late start on Wednesday, so we took our time getting up there and stopped along the way to shop and grab some lunch. We saw "Fireproof" that night and went out for dinner. While we were out shopping, I ended up with an entire new outfit from Old Navy. It should look pretty good. I'll probably wear it when the weather gets a little cooler. Jen bought some stuff for herself as well. All in all, it was a good getaway. We got home Thursday evening and met my folks (and kids) for dinner. They said the kids had a great time and they were glad to be able to help. We would've asked my MIL, but she's still working so she wasn't available for a mid-week outing like that.
My sister arrived on Saturday morning. Since my Dad had my car, I didn't have to get up early to go get her at the airport. =) Our birthday ball was that evening, which I addressed in my last post. We took family portraits on Sunday and went to Knott's Berry Farm on Tuesday to take advantage of their Veteran's Day special prices for military. Jen and I got in for free and everyone else got tickets for only $15 apiece. That's a great deal. We spent the whole day there and left after dark in search of dinner at Claim Jumper. We headed home after that and the kids and my sister did not make it all the way home without falling asleep. The next morning (Wednesday) I got up super early (4:30) to make coffee and to be ready to drive. My dad had said they might come over as early as 5:00 to be taken back up to LAX for their flight home. They didn't make it. We left the house just before 6 and I managed to get them up there by 8:15 or so. My sister sent me a text message from Indianapolis, so I guess they made their 9:15 flight. Anyway, that's a brief rundown of the last two weeks. I've been off of work the whole time and I have to go back on Monday. =( Still, it's been a decent two weeks and I'm very much glad to be home. If there's a bright spot to having to go back to work, I picked up my pass for the Coaster so I'll be able to ride the rails when I go to work.
Have a great weekend!
God fearing, Right Wing conservative family man's blog about life, liberty, and the pursuit of those who would threaten it... Read on if you like, but you have been warned.
Friday, November 14
Sunday, November 9
... annnnd we're back
Alllrighty then... let's try to get caught up a bit. Let me start with last night and I'll work my way backwards. Last night was our Birthday Ball. For those of you not familiar with what that means, let me 'splain.
The Marine Corps was founded by a resolution of the Continental Congress on 10 November 1775. In 1921 General John A. LeJeune (13th Commandant of the Marine Corps) directed that all commands commemorate the birthday of the Corps with a special meal and a cake cutting ceremony. Over the years, that tradition has evolved into the Marine Corps ball.
Last night the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing upheld tradition and threw a ball at the Sheraton on Harbor Drive (near the airport). We attended and even brought another couple as our guests. Since it was the Wing HQ's ball, the entire 3rd MAW Band was there and they performed a motivating set before the actual ceremony started. The ceremony itself was just as I remembered all the ones I played in and the ones I've attended since leaving the band field. I saw a few of the bandsmen who were deployed with us this year and they all seem to be doing well. The guest of honor told two stories as preludes to his speech, which he never gave. He said the point of the ball wasn't to listen to some retired 3-star run his suck for 20 minutes, but to commemorate who we are and what we do. So we did.
After dinner the music got really loud so the four of us took a walk down by the harbor and talked for a bit until it got too cold and we returned to the hotel and ballroom. We managed to get in a couple of dances and left around 11. It was not a bad evening and our friends seemed to have a good time. Of course, the last time we took a civilian couple they ended up leaving for another job location and I haven't spoken to them since. I hope that doesn't happen this time.
I know what you're saying. "Wait a second. I thought they had two little kids. What happened to them?" Well, my parents have been in town for a week and they stayed with the kids for us. They've actually stayed with the kids probably more than I have during this time off from work, but that's where I'll start my next entry. Until then, have a great week and Happy Birthday, Chesty (wherever you are)!
The Marine Corps was founded by a resolution of the Continental Congress on 10 November 1775. In 1921 General John A. LeJeune (13th Commandant of the Marine Corps) directed that all commands commemorate the birthday of the Corps with a special meal and a cake cutting ceremony. Over the years, that tradition has evolved into the Marine Corps ball.
Last night the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing upheld tradition and threw a ball at the Sheraton on Harbor Drive (near the airport). We attended and even brought another couple as our guests. Since it was the Wing HQ's ball, the entire 3rd MAW Band was there and they performed a motivating set before the actual ceremony started. The ceremony itself was just as I remembered all the ones I played in and the ones I've attended since leaving the band field. I saw a few of the bandsmen who were deployed with us this year and they all seem to be doing well. The guest of honor told two stories as preludes to his speech, which he never gave. He said the point of the ball wasn't to listen to some retired 3-star run his suck for 20 minutes, but to commemorate who we are and what we do. So we did.
After dinner the music got really loud so the four of us took a walk down by the harbor and talked for a bit until it got too cold and we returned to the hotel and ballroom. We managed to get in a couple of dances and left around 11. It was not a bad evening and our friends seemed to have a good time. Of course, the last time we took a civilian couple they ended up leaving for another job location and I haven't spoken to them since. I hope that doesn't happen this time.
I know what you're saying. "Wait a second. I thought they had two little kids. What happened to them?" Well, my parents have been in town for a week and they stayed with the kids for us. They've actually stayed with the kids probably more than I have during this time off from work, but that's where I'll start my next entry. Until then, have a great week and Happy Birthday, Chesty (wherever you are)!
Thursday, October 16
Oops, I did (not) do it again.
Well, it looks like I have some work to do when I get home. I have been horrible about keeping up with my blog during this deployment. If you have stuck around, thank you and I apologize for my lameness. If you've left, well, I could say something but you wouldn't read it anyway. =) Still, I intend to go back and "back brief" you all on some of the highlights of this deployment when I get home. Fortunately, that is very soon and I should have something for you as early as next weekend (not this coming, but the next). In the mean time, please keep us in your thoughts and prayers and if you don't mind, please ask for clear weather and working aircraft for the next week or so.
Take care and I will write again soon.
Take care and I will write again soon.
Saturday, August 30
Summer's over... and I missed it!
Well, it's almost September. I suppose that means summer vacation is over and it's time to get back to work. Oh, that's right... I've been at work all summer and missed my kids' vacation time.
The Boy started 1st grade last week. Who'd ever think that I'd be mature enough (okay, old enough) to have a 1st grader living in my house? His sister starts back to pre-school next week. This will be her second year there and then she should be in Kindergarten next year. Even though they're about the same age difference as my sister and me, they'll only be two years apart in school because of when they were born. We kept the boy in pre-school an extra year to help his social skills (with the encouragement of the pre-school staff) and it seems to have really paid off. His sister is right in the middle of the bell curve on just about everything, so she'll be on the younger side of her classmates. That's all good. She'll get her DL during summer break and I think she'll only be 17 when she graduates. (Jen, help me out with the math?)
So, let's see... "What did I do on my summer vacation?"
I mentioned that I started on-line school. I passed the class with a C. I guess that's the best you can expect when you don't turn in the final paper. Still, I passed it so now I can move on to classes that I want to take. I just need to figure out what those may be. Right now I'm listed as a Business Admin major. I'm going to wait until I get home to take my next class.
I've been pretty good with my PT. I did the training to upgrade to green belt in the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program, but it came at a price. I have an appointment later this week with a physical therapist to look at my shoulder for possible "bicipital tendonitis" which means the tendon that holds my bicep to my shoulder joint is inflamed and possibly damaged. If it sounds like that hurts, don't worry... it does.
I did get a new bass this summer. I'll have to go into more details about it when I have a picture or two to post. It's pretty nice and I bought a case and a shoulder strap for it from and I'll be shipping it home in late September.
I missed the summer holidays like my wife's birthday, Memorial Day, my daughter's birthday, Flag Day, 4th of July, my anniversary, and this weekend is Labor Day. Other than that, it's been pretty quiet and almost boring out here. Isn't that the point though? This entry isn't really leaning toward a political soap box, so I won't say any more here.
That's about it from this neck of the woods. I hope you all had a good summer and are ready to get back to work. Oh, that only applies to kids in school. Adults have to work all the time. Why? Who says the country can't take a summer vacation?
The Boy started 1st grade last week. Who'd ever think that I'd be mature enough (okay, old enough) to have a 1st grader living in my house? His sister starts back to pre-school next week. This will be her second year there and then she should be in Kindergarten next year. Even though they're about the same age difference as my sister and me, they'll only be two years apart in school because of when they were born. We kept the boy in pre-school an extra year to help his social skills (with the encouragement of the pre-school staff) and it seems to have really paid off. His sister is right in the middle of the bell curve on just about everything, so she'll be on the younger side of her classmates. That's all good. She'll get her DL during summer break and I think she'll only be 17 when she graduates. (Jen, help me out with the math?)
So, let's see... "What did I do on my summer vacation?"
I mentioned that I started on-line school. I passed the class with a C. I guess that's the best you can expect when you don't turn in the final paper. Still, I passed it so now I can move on to classes that I want to take. I just need to figure out what those may be. Right now I'm listed as a Business Admin major. I'm going to wait until I get home to take my next class.
I've been pretty good with my PT. I did the training to upgrade to green belt in the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program, but it came at a price. I have an appointment later this week with a physical therapist to look at my shoulder for possible "bicipital tendonitis" which means the tendon that holds my bicep to my shoulder joint is inflamed and possibly damaged. If it sounds like that hurts, don't worry... it does.
I did get a new bass this summer. I'll have to go into more details about it when I have a picture or two to post. It's pretty nice and I bought a case and a shoulder strap for it from and I'll be shipping it home in late September.
I missed the summer holidays like my wife's birthday, Memorial Day, my daughter's birthday, Flag Day, 4th of July, my anniversary, and this weekend is Labor Day. Other than that, it's been pretty quiet and almost boring out here. Isn't that the point though? This entry isn't really leaning toward a political soap box, so I won't say any more here.
That's about it from this neck of the woods. I hope you all had a good summer and are ready to get back to work. Oh, that only applies to kids in school. Adults have to work all the time. Why? Who says the country can't take a summer vacation?
Tuesday, May 20
Time keeps on slipping...
I didn't realize it had been a while since I last posted to my blog. Thanks, Andrea, for keeping me on my toes!
It's been interesting out here. By that I mean that we seem to have at least one sand storm every week and even though it's mid-May, the weather flags have just started to make their appearance. "Hey, what's a 'weather flag' anyway?" I'm glad you asked. The heat index can cause serious damage to the human body if you exert yourself incorrectly. It's kind of like the exact opposite of the wind chill factor, I think. Anyway, the USMC, in colusion with the medical side of the US Navy, has developed a series of flags to quickly alert personnel of the heat index factor. Since this base is very similar to being at home (except my roommate's a bald Sailor and not a gorgeous California girl) they use this system. Please don't ask me what the actual scale is because I've never bothered to memorize it. I've seen it several times, but I just do the "Jarhead" thing and pay attention to the pretty colors.
Green: All levels of activity permitted
Yellow: Strenuous activity for personnel not acclimated should be monitored
Red: All strenous activity (like PT) should be curtailed or closely monitored
Black: Outdoor activity should be kept to a minimum to reduce heat casualties.
I know, pretty basic right?
Anyway, I've been running in the gym on a treadmill so the flags don't really mean that much to me. Still, it's interesting to see them. They weren't being used at my location the last time I was here. I guess this really is a garrison base.
Let's see... what else? I've started my on-line education. That should please my wife and my mother at the same time. I'm taking a pretty dumb class about how we learn and why we learn and blah, blah, blah. In fact, the chapter I just read talks about this concept called "whole-body learing" where the author espouses the benefits of listening to your gut and going with your heart. She writes that your body knows what to do because of whole-body learning. That's why when the doctor taps your knee, the signal doesn't go all the way to your brain. Your leg already knows what to do. That's odd, I thought that was called a 'reflex' or in her other example she went on about how your body 'knows' how to ride a bike. I thought that was called 'training' or 'muscle-memory' or something like that. But what do I know, right? Still, it is interesting to read some of the other student's posts about learning styles. I told one that I'm thinking my son may be a kinetic learner as well because he always has to touch stuff for it to be real to him. Hmmmm...
One of the chaplains is going home soon and he'll be missed. He just wrapped up a series on Jonah and it was very good. I'm still playing bass for the morning service and I lead the singing for the evening service. Wow, it's almost like I'm back in the church where I grew up. The only thing missing is a Wednesday evening dinner and class. Oh, wait! We have a men's group that meets over dinner on Wednesdays! We just finished the "Purpose Driven Life" and starting tomorrow I'm leading a study on the book of Joshua. It should be interesting.
The softball team is tied for third in the league. We're 9-3-1. It's fun to get out there and play ball. I figure it keeps me in game shape for the church team back home.
As you can see, there's a lot on my plate. Still, I do manage to find time to do the job the Corps pays me to do, so I guess that's good. The ironic thing about that is that I could probably do a better job if I was still at home, but since I've been here for 68 days now, I need to stay for at least another 112 so I get credit for a full deployment. Hey, that might be worth a ticker!
It's been interesting out here. By that I mean that we seem to have at least one sand storm every week and even though it's mid-May, the weather flags have just started to make their appearance. "Hey, what's a 'weather flag' anyway?" I'm glad you asked. The heat index can cause serious damage to the human body if you exert yourself incorrectly. It's kind of like the exact opposite of the wind chill factor, I think. Anyway, the USMC, in colusion with the medical side of the US Navy, has developed a series of flags to quickly alert personnel of the heat index factor. Since this base is very similar to being at home (except my roommate's a bald Sailor and not a gorgeous California girl) they use this system. Please don't ask me what the actual scale is because I've never bothered to memorize it. I've seen it several times, but I just do the "Jarhead" thing and pay attention to the pretty colors.
Green: All levels of activity permitted
Yellow: Strenuous activity for personnel not acclimated should be monitored
Red: All strenous activity (like PT) should be curtailed or closely monitored
Black: Outdoor activity should be kept to a minimum to reduce heat casualties.
I know, pretty basic right?
Anyway, I've been running in the gym on a treadmill so the flags don't really mean that much to me. Still, it's interesting to see them. They weren't being used at my location the last time I was here. I guess this really is a garrison base.
Let's see... what else? I've started my on-line education. That should please my wife and my mother at the same time. I'm taking a pretty dumb class about how we learn and why we learn and blah, blah, blah. In fact, the chapter I just read talks about this concept called "whole-body learing" where the author espouses the benefits of listening to your gut and going with your heart. She writes that your body knows what to do because of whole-body learning. That's why when the doctor taps your knee, the signal doesn't go all the way to your brain. Your leg already knows what to do. That's odd, I thought that was called a 'reflex' or in her other example she went on about how your body 'knows' how to ride a bike. I thought that was called 'training' or 'muscle-memory' or something like that. But what do I know, right? Still, it is interesting to read some of the other student's posts about learning styles. I told one that I'm thinking my son may be a kinetic learner as well because he always has to touch stuff for it to be real to him. Hmmmm...
One of the chaplains is going home soon and he'll be missed. He just wrapped up a series on Jonah and it was very good. I'm still playing bass for the morning service and I lead the singing for the evening service. Wow, it's almost like I'm back in the church where I grew up. The only thing missing is a Wednesday evening dinner and class. Oh, wait! We have a men's group that meets over dinner on Wednesdays! We just finished the "Purpose Driven Life" and starting tomorrow I'm leading a study on the book of Joshua. It should be interesting.
The softball team is tied for third in the league. We're 9-3-1. It's fun to get out there and play ball. I figure it keeps me in game shape for the church team back home.
As you can see, there's a lot on my plate. Still, I do manage to find time to do the job the Corps pays me to do, so I guess that's good. The ironic thing about that is that I could probably do a better job if I was still at home, but since I've been here for 68 days now, I need to stay for at least another 112 so I get credit for a full deployment. Hey, that might be worth a ticker!
Saturday, April 19
Weekend wrap-up
I had a pretty good week this week. We had another dust storm come in a couple days ago and it looked like it was going to be a doozy. Well, it lasted for about 24 hours and then moved on. It did have the effect of keeping temperatures down for a bit, so for that I'm thankful.
We only had three men at our weekly meeting for the "The Purpose Driven Life" instead of the 8 or 9 we had a couple weeks ago. I hope that was because the others simply couldn't get away in time and not because they've lost interest. Speaking of church stuff, I'll be leading the singing this Sunday evening again. We only have a guitar player who's on an acoustic, so adding a bass to that doesn't make much sense. If there was a keyboard player, then I'd play to make a trio out of it. Oh well. I'll play for the morning service and I may even be playing a new bass! The man who is going to give it to me said he received it after playing some Irish tunes at the St. Patrick's Day "festival" here in March. Since he doesn't play bass he said I could have it! I'll play it while I'm here and if the new bass that was ordered by the chapel staff doesn't arrive by the time I get ready to go home, I'll leave it here. I hope I get to take it home though.
I'm looking into what classes I'm going to take from AMU when I finish this "e-learning 101" I have to take. It's apparently just a course on how to use their online library and other online college applications. I want to breeze through the class to get my GPA started off on the right track (can you say four point oh?) and then get on to my other core classes. The school has deemed me worthy of receiving transfer credits for 48 units. I think that makes me a sophomore. I wonder which fraternity I'll pledge? I think I'll stick with Epsilon Gamma Alpha for now. Anyway, I'm looking at either finishing my English requirement or even knocking out the literature class. Wish me luck!
I got to talk (actually talk) to the family last weekend. I'll call again later today to see if anything new has transpired. It's good to hear my wife and kids' voices from time to time. She is definitely doing better at coping this time. We think it's a combination of having been through it so much recently and also the fact that the boy can help by taking care of himself has relieved much of her burden. Thank God for the eventual passage of time. I just wish I'd be home for his musical and for my daughter's dance recital. Guess it's a good thing we have a video camera.
We won our softball game this morning and we have another one tomorrow morning. Fortunately I have not had to miss a ball game yet for church. It's just worked out that way by the schedule. Hopefully it continues, but I've already decided that if there is a conflict then I won't be playing ball that day. It's all about priorities. Since the kids do movie night on Fridays, I thought I would join them and I used the big screen here to watch a movie last night. I think I'll just start doing that every Friday. I had a couple other guys join me to watch "Transformers" last night. (My wife was not surprised.)
Well, I think that pretty much sums up my week. Yes, I did do some actual work, but that's nothing anyone back home wants to read about. Have a great weekend and drop me a line or leave me a comment.
We only had three men at our weekly meeting for the "The Purpose Driven Life" instead of the 8 or 9 we had a couple weeks ago. I hope that was because the others simply couldn't get away in time and not because they've lost interest. Speaking of church stuff, I'll be leading the singing this Sunday evening again. We only have a guitar player who's on an acoustic, so adding a bass to that doesn't make much sense. If there was a keyboard player, then I'd play to make a trio out of it. Oh well. I'll play for the morning service and I may even be playing a new bass! The man who is going to give it to me said he received it after playing some Irish tunes at the St. Patrick's Day "festival" here in March. Since he doesn't play bass he said I could have it! I'll play it while I'm here and if the new bass that was ordered by the chapel staff doesn't arrive by the time I get ready to go home, I'll leave it here. I hope I get to take it home though.
I'm looking into what classes I'm going to take from AMU when I finish this "e-learning 101" I have to take. It's apparently just a course on how to use their online library and other online college applications. I want to breeze through the class to get my GPA started off on the right track (can you say four point oh?) and then get on to my other core classes. The school has deemed me worthy of receiving transfer credits for 48 units. I think that makes me a sophomore. I wonder which fraternity I'll pledge? I think I'll stick with Epsilon Gamma Alpha for now. Anyway, I'm looking at either finishing my English requirement or even knocking out the literature class. Wish me luck!
I got to talk (actually talk) to the family last weekend. I'll call again later today to see if anything new has transpired. It's good to hear my wife and kids' voices from time to time. She is definitely doing better at coping this time. We think it's a combination of having been through it so much recently and also the fact that the boy can help by taking care of himself has relieved much of her burden. Thank God for the eventual passage of time. I just wish I'd be home for his musical and for my daughter's dance recital. Guess it's a good thing we have a video camera.
We won our softball game this morning and we have another one tomorrow morning. Fortunately I have not had to miss a ball game yet for church. It's just worked out that way by the schedule. Hopefully it continues, but I've already decided that if there is a conflict then I won't be playing ball that day. It's all about priorities. Since the kids do movie night on Fridays, I thought I would join them and I used the big screen here to watch a movie last night. I think I'll just start doing that every Friday. I had a couple other guys join me to watch "Transformers" last night. (My wife was not surprised.)
Well, I think that pretty much sums up my week. Yes, I did do some actual work, but that's nothing anyone back home wants to read about. Have a great weekend and drop me a line or leave me a comment.
Tuesday, April 15
It should be "This Week in Baseball" but we play softball out here. I know! I'm in a combat zone and I'm writing home to my wife to send me my softball gear. What's that all about? Anyway, we had three games over the weekend and we went 1-1-1. Huh? A tie in softball? Yes. The league organizers declared a time limit for each game, which is fine, but they called the game for time right in the middle of our comeback. Seriously. We had just tied the game. I was on third base as the go-ahead run and the whistle sounded. Just like that. How dumb is that? Anyway, that's how we got a tie over the weekend. I may try to post a picture but based on how long it took me to post the other one about the Easter decorations, I probably won't worry too much about it.
Monday, April 7
Another... sand storm?!
Holy Smokes! Well, I'd call it smoke, but it's dust. And tons of it, too. I was walking back to the office from dinner and I was walking into a wall of dirt. It came from somewhere and steadily covered the horizon. My mind instantly came to two conclusions:
1) Oh, crap, there's going to be dust all over EVERYTHING!
2) You know, if that were rain it would look a lot like that rain storm I got caught in when I was in Okinawa in 1993.
Then a third conclusion worked its way forward: You'd better move it or you're going to end up breathing this stuff.
So I ran. I made it to the building just about a minute before the storm did. It was Cruise-azy I tell you. As I type this some 4 hours later, it's still howling outside. Of course now it's really dark and wouldn't you know it... I left my flashlight back in my can. Ugh!
On a positive note, I got to play some softball this past weekend. Unfortunately, since I left my glove at home (honestly, who thinks to pack softball gear when deploying to a combat zone?) I had to use a brand new one given to me by MWR. Well, when you're playing firstbase you need to have a glove that's nicely broken in so the ball doesn't pop right out and cause you to lose at least two outs. Trust me on that one. Still, it was fun to play and we actually have a league here on base and we play every weekend (weather permitting).
So this week's off to an interesting start. How's yours?
1) Oh, crap, there's going to be dust all over EVERYTHING!
2) You know, if that were rain it would look a lot like that rain storm I got caught in when I was in Okinawa in 1993.
Then a third conclusion worked its way forward: You'd better move it or you're going to end up breathing this stuff.
So I ran. I made it to the building just about a minute before the storm did. It was Cruise-azy I tell you. As I type this some 4 hours later, it's still howling outside. Of course now it's really dark and wouldn't you know it... I left my flashlight back in my can. Ugh!
On a positive note, I got to play some softball this past weekend. Unfortunately, since I left my glove at home (honestly, who thinks to pack softball gear when deploying to a combat zone?) I had to use a brand new one given to me by MWR. Well, when you're playing firstbase you need to have a glove that's nicely broken in so the ball doesn't pop right out and cause you to lose at least two outs. Trust me on that one. Still, it was fun to play and we actually have a league here on base and we play every weekend (weather permitting).
So this week's off to an interesting start. How's yours?
Sunday, March 30
Lovely weather we're having... NOT!
I hope your weekend was a good one. I attended our 1100 “main” Protestant service, which is labeled as “contemporary” and means that we have a praise band instead of an organist leading the worship music. In fact, the size of the band was pretty impressive. There were three or four guitars and about a ½ dozen singers, plus bass, keyboard, and even a drummer. I’ve already plugged in and made introductions. The bass player is supposed to be going home this week and I’ve already been asked if I could step in. Let me think for a sec… yes! Actually, I was supposed to play bass last night for the 7pm service. I say “supposed to” because when I got there the chaplain told me that the lead guitar/lead singer wasn’t going to be able to make it. He then asked if I could lead the singing. Since I can’t play and sing at the same time, I sang. It went off pretty okay I suppose. While we were practicing, the room got dustier and dustier as a sandstorm blew in. Then, just as the service was getting started, it rained very hard for about 5 minutes. That had the effect of turning everything outside into mud. Ewwww!
Anyway, today is off to a start and I need to get some work done. I do love having the internet connection out here, but I’m looking forward to talking with my family by phone as soon as I get a phone card. Of all the things to forget to bring with me…
Have a great week and thanks for reading.
Anyway, today is off to a start and I need to get some work done. I do love having the internet connection out here, but I’m looking forward to talking with my family by phone as soon as I get a phone card. Of all the things to forget to bring with me…
Have a great week and thanks for reading.
Thursday, March 27
Sunday, March 23
Easter weekend
We had a service for Good Friday on Friday (duh!) at the chapel here on base. Seven different chaplains each took one of the seven statements Jesus made while being crucified and gave a short sermonette on it and we sang a verse of a hymn in between each one. It was very moving and I thought it was quite a good service. I fasted yesterday and took it pretty easy. There's not much for an admin guy like me to do on the weekends so I just put some finishing touches on getting my gear stored away.
This morning there was a sunrise service/breakfast at the chow hall and there were about 70 people there. It was pretty good too. A different chaplain (how many of them are there on this base anyway?) gave a short talk about the first rays of sun that lit the way to the first rays of hope on that first Easter Sunday. It was pretty good too. I thought it was amusing how many people started staring at us when we started all singing songs together.
The combined Protestant service at 11 was pretty awesome. It was held in the base's theater and we actually filled the place! There was a good size gospel choir leading the music and there was an interpretive dance done by mimes. It sounds funny, but they performed to a gospel song soundtrack and it was quite moving. I went back to the chow hall for lunch and they had finished decorating. I had to take pictures of what they put up. Besides, I said I was going to take some pictures today, right? Anyway, I'll get those onto the computer tonight so I can post a couple tomorrow. It almost reminded me of that one house that every neighborhood seems to have that apparently adds a new Christmas decoration every year and they've been doing it for 50 years. You know what I mean? That one house that confuses airline pilots because of all the lights? Well, the middle of the chow hall was like that, but it was all pastels and eggs and chocolate and bunnies and a couple of poorly drawn angels. If my kids were here I'm sure they would have loved it. Even the staff had little paper vests over their normal shirts decorated with pastel eggs. But the thing that almost made me laugh out loud was this giant... marshmellow... bunny. It was about 4 feet tall and posted on top of a mini-house platform so that it stands about 6 feet off the floor. The first thing that popped into my head was the last VeggieTales show I watched with my kids before I left. I'll give you a hint... it had to do with chocolate bunnies and how everyone was required to look up to this giant bunny built by Mr. Nezzer. Too funny.
Anyway, that's my Easter so far. I'm going to the evening service tonight then I'll try to implement this schedule I've built over the last few days. We'll see what happens. It's already starting to get warm out here. Going to be a long summer...
This morning there was a sunrise service/breakfast at the chow hall and there were about 70 people there. It was pretty good too. A different chaplain (how many of them are there on this base anyway?) gave a short talk about the first rays of sun that lit the way to the first rays of hope on that first Easter Sunday. It was pretty good too. I thought it was amusing how many people started staring at us when we started all singing songs together.
The combined Protestant service at 11 was pretty awesome. It was held in the base's theater and we actually filled the place! There was a good size gospel choir leading the music and there was an interpretive dance done by mimes. It sounds funny, but they performed to a gospel song soundtrack and it was quite moving. I went back to the chow hall for lunch and they had finished decorating. I had to take pictures of what they put up. Besides, I said I was going to take some pictures today, right? Anyway, I'll get those onto the computer tonight so I can post a couple tomorrow. It almost reminded me of that one house that every neighborhood seems to have that apparently adds a new Christmas decoration every year and they've been doing it for 50 years. You know what I mean? That one house that confuses airline pilots because of all the lights? Well, the middle of the chow hall was like that, but it was all pastels and eggs and chocolate and bunnies and a couple of poorly drawn angels. If my kids were here I'm sure they would have loved it. Even the staff had little paper vests over their normal shirts decorated with pastel eggs. But the thing that almost made me laugh out loud was this giant... marshmellow... bunny. It was about 4 feet tall and posted on top of a mini-house platform so that it stands about 6 feet off the floor. The first thing that popped into my head was the last VeggieTales show I watched with my kids before I left. I'll give you a hint... it had to do with chocolate bunnies and how everyone was required to look up to this giant bunny built by Mr. Nezzer. Too funny.
Anyway, that's my Easter so far. I'm going to the evening service tonight then I'll try to implement this schedule I've built over the last few days. We'll see what happens. It's already starting to get warm out here. Going to be a long summer...
Saturday, March 22
picture pages, picture pages...
I hope to play tourist this afternoon and take some pictures of the base I'm calling home for the summer. I'll also take some pictures of the Easter services tomorrow and should be able to put a few shots up early next week.
The internet is weird out here. Sometimes I go a whole day without hearing from back home. Of course, that may be because the kids are sick and Wonder Woman is so tired from dealing with them that she just doesn't have the "oomph!" to do anything. Then, at other times, I'll get a whole slew of emails from people I'm trying to contact for work and family related stuff as well. I'm thinking I may revamp my work schedule to be in the office more in the afternoon/evening which is when people back home are up and about. We'll see.
I took this week pretty easy to see what the schedule was like and get settled into my quarters. I'll add some PT to the schedule next week and see what adjustments (if any) need to be made.
The internet is weird out here. Sometimes I go a whole day without hearing from back home. Of course, that may be because the kids are sick and Wonder Woman is so tired from dealing with them that she just doesn't have the "oomph!" to do anything. Then, at other times, I'll get a whole slew of emails from people I'm trying to contact for work and family related stuff as well. I'm thinking I may revamp my work schedule to be in the office more in the afternoon/evening which is when people back home are up and about. We'll see.
I took this week pretty easy to see what the schedule was like and get settled into my quarters. I'll add some PT to the schedule next week and see what adjustments (if any) need to be made.
Monday, March 17
I'm definitely not in (Kansas)
Well, here I am... again.
I've been here twice and now I'm here for the third time in five years. This is my fourth deployment in the same time span, but if you look through my archives, you'll see that my last trip overseas was not bad at all, other than the separartion from the family of course.
So, where am I? I can't tell you that here, but if you ask my wife, she can fill you in. I took a tour of the place last night and this morning. This place is big. There are a lot of things we didn't have when I was out this way three years ago... I'm talking about fast food joints on base (why use them when I have a vey nice chow hall at my disposal) and you can't swing a dead cat around here without hitting a gym it seems.
If you care to send me a card or a note and you don't trust email, please send any correspondence to:
SSgt William Beschman
MWSG-37 (S-1)
UIC 41106
FPO AP 96426-1106
I'm still getting settled in, but so far it's not nearly as bad as it was the last time I was here. That's good as far as the overall picture goes, but it means there's not as much going on which gives me more time to think (and miss my family).
I'll try to update at least once a week. I'll also try to have some pictures soon.
I've been here twice and now I'm here for the third time in five years. This is my fourth deployment in the same time span, but if you look through my archives, you'll see that my last trip overseas was not bad at all, other than the separartion from the family of course.
So, where am I? I can't tell you that here, but if you ask my wife, she can fill you in. I took a tour of the place last night and this morning. This place is big. There are a lot of things we didn't have when I was out this way three years ago... I'm talking about fast food joints on base (why use them when I have a vey nice chow hall at my disposal) and you can't swing a dead cat around here without hitting a gym it seems.
If you care to send me a card or a note and you don't trust email, please send any correspondence to:
SSgt William Beschman
MWSG-37 (S-1)
UIC 41106
FPO AP 96426-1106
I'm still getting settled in, but so far it's not nearly as bad as it was the last time I was here. That's good as far as the overall picture goes, but it means there's not as much going on which gives me more time to think (and miss my family).
I'll try to update at least once a week. I'll also try to have some pictures soon.
Monday, January 7
Happy Monday!?
Okay, so I took an online quiz. It's only because I didn't think I had enough time to play Madden football before leaving for work this morning.
Have a good week.
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![]() You take on difficult subjects because you want to... not because you have to.No field of knowledge is too complicated or intimidating for you. You've got the brains to do anything you want. It's possible you end up doing everything you want. |
Are You a Brainiac?
Have a good week.
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