Tuesday, November 13

Where have I been?!

Holy smokes! I can't believe I haven't touched this blog since January! That seems like a life time ago. I just re-read some of my "latest" posts to get a feel for where I was and it really was a whole 'nother world.

This post (and the next few) will be short. I'm just curious if any of my friends are still out there. I'll try to go through some of the old comments and hit your sites, but if you zap me first, that will speed things up.

I've been back in California all year (yeah!!!) and I have even moved up a level in my career field. Unfortunately it was a promotion to a higher level billet and did not come with another stripe, but that will come in time (I hope). Either way, I'm down to my last five years on active duty before I can retire.


I need to find a career planner and figure out what I'm going to do next. Oh wait...